Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Texas Sky Is Crying Over Too Many Republican Wins

The rain continues to fall on my zone of Texas, on this, the 3rd day of November.

I did not feel like swimming in the rain this morning, so I didn't.

As you can see, from the view behind the bars of my patio prison, it is a dark and dreary day today.


The Republicans are back in the majority in the House of Representatives. I'm sure all will now be so much better.

I don't understand Texans repeatedly electing Rick Perry as governor. How did this state go from having someone like Ann Richards as governor to George W. Bush to Rick Perry? I would think Rick Perry staying in a $10,000 a month rental, at taxpayer expense, would be enough reason to give him the boot. Or his expensive junkets, also at taxpayer expense. Or shooting guns with Mayor Mike Moncrief in downtown Fort Worth.

Endorphin withdrawal is making me cranky. The past 2 days have been way too much like a regular winter day in Washington. It does not make me homesick.

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