Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Texas Lizard Home Invasion

I have not yet named my new pet that I found clinging to the wall by my exit door this morning on my way to the pool for some thrilling chilling.

It was particularly thrilling chilling in the pool this morning, the air was heated to 49 with a steady wind making for a wind chill real feel of 43.

Meanwhile, up in the Skagit Valley of Washington, yesterday brought record breaking temperatures in the 70s, which had Betty Jo Bouvier, she being the Wild Woman of Woolley, in overheating mode.

I doubt Betty Jo found any lizards slinking around her house in the heat, though. I don't recollect seeing lizards in the wild in Washington. Snakes, yes, lizards, no.

Speaking of my old home zone of the Skagit Valley, go to my Washington Blog to see how colorful the Skagit Valley gets every spring.

1 comment:

  1. Gecko's are the #1 best way to control roaches. We have dozens of them at our place. They hatch from cute little round eggs. You may get a little Gecko poop here and there but it's non-toxic. Lucky man you are.
