Friday, October 1, 2010

The Pest Is Back Again, This Time Via LinkedIn

It has been well over 2 years now I've been trying to be rid of a noxious pest from the Pacific Northwest. It's like some sort of infection that I think I finally successfully cleared up.

And then it's back again.

A couple months ago I was sent a link to Facebook by which I learned The Pest was on Facebook telling people she was being stalked on the Internet.

 By me.

The Pest told people she'd contacted the FBI and the FBI was coming to talk to her and look at her computer. On Facebook she had people advising her as to what she should do about her alleged Internet Stalker. Some of these people should have been able to remember The Pest is a pathological liar. And that blood is thicker than polluted water.

Now, this bizarre Internet Stalking lie came about 2 months after this person was caught by the Queen of Wink stalking various blogs and leaving an anonymous comment, slandering me, which the Queen of Wink was able to trace to The Pest, via The Pest's IP address. This turned very funny as The Pest further humiliated herself with more lies.

I don't quite understand the twists of a poisoned mind, but somehow The Pest getting caught being a pest morphed into accusing me of doing the same thing. Which is pretty funny, if it weren't so bizarre. I got an email from The Pest detailing her stalking charges, including claiming IP addresses had been tracked to my computer. The verbiage was off, which indicated The Pest really had no clue what an IP address is. This particular email was one of the more twisted, bizarre, insane things I've ever received.

So, why am I bringing this up now?


During the past 2 years The Pest has made numerous attempts to re-connect with me, between incidents of being upset with me for imagined bad things, like Internet Stalking or doing treacherous things to her computer, blog, Facebook and I forget what else.

When I first got on Facebook, the first "Friend" request, that I rejected, was from The Pest. Soon after I started doing Twitter I got a Twitter email telling me The Pest was following me on Twitter. (quickly blocked) At one point The Pest emailed me suggesting that we start up a long ago website we had sort of cooperated on.

And now I am getting emails from LinkedIn in which The Pest is inviting me to become part of her professional network at LinkedIn, with the subject line being "The Pest wants to stay in touch on LinkedIn" (real name changed to The Pest)

So, I guess we have gone from working with the FBI to stop my Internet Stalking to wanting me to become part of The Pest's professional network of dumpster divers.

Now, if The Pest really wants to un-pest herself she needs to start with apologizing, in a meaningful way, for all her bad behavior, lying and false accusations. Without any assumption of any responsibility for all the bad behavior I can't imagine why this particular pest is harboring delusions that sending me something like this LinkedIn request is going to generate anything other than what you are reading right now.


  1. I think that with behavior as unhinged as what you cite, even an apology should be taken very lightly. Words are easy.

  2. You're right, Zelda. I can not imagine an apology that would manage to mitigate the insanity. It ain't gonna happen.

  3. I, too received an invite from the same linkin business networking whatever...

  4. Well, Anonymous, that particular piece of garbage isn't the brightest item of junk in the dumpster. She may have somehow sent the LinkedIn invite to everyone on her email list without realizing it. I suspect it was done by design, though, not accident.
