Friday, October 1, 2010

The Small Town Of Fort Worth Can't Keep Its Library Open Unlike The Big City Of Burlington Washington

I took off from here around 5 to go to the East Regional Library, due to being out of reading material and to get this week's Fort Worth Weekly, where the Tandy Hill's Prairie Fest got picked as Best Outdoor Cultural Event of 2010 in FW Weekly's Best of 2010 issue.

My intention was to go to the library and then to the Tandy Hills.

But, I am always forgetting that I live in a poor, small town in the South now, where the library is not open on a day one would expect a library to be open, like Friday.

I grew up in the big city of Burlington, Washington. Burlington has a very good library. It is very new and very big. Burlington's population is a bit under 7,000. Burlington's library is only closed on Sunday.

Before I moved to Texas I lived in Burlington's big neighbor, Mount Vernon. Mount Vernon's population is a bit under 30,000. Mount Vernon also keeps its library open every day but Sunday.

I wonder if there is any connection between the significantly higher high school graduation rate and college graduation rate, in the state of Washington, compared to the state of Texas, and the availability of open libraries?

Anyway, with the library closed I was on the Tandy Hills earlier than I'd planned. As you can see, in the picture above, the Tandy River is still roaring over Tandy Falls, while the Trinity Falls outside Gateway Park has now become Dry Falls with a Giant Whirlpool.

The Tandy Hills Shrine II has been re-located, moved from the center of Tandy Highway, off to the side. This seems to be a good preservation move. Nothing has been added to the shrine since the baseball cap was added, commemorating the Texas Rangers inevitable appearance in the 2010 World Series.

I carried my Snake/Spider Web Whacking Stick, but saw no snakes. I did have to whack a lot of spider webs.

The Tandy Hills is being sort of out of control. All the rain and some sort of perfect storm of vegetation growing conditions has grass growing fast, flowers blooming, trails obscured and, apparently, spiders over-producing webs.

I rather like it.

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