Friday, October 1, 2010

Suffering In Texas With A Flat Tire And Other Possible Ailments

That is my bike in pieces you are looking at. My therapist, Dr. L.C., insisted I take a break from being a webpage making machine.

I decided to take my doctor's advice and go pedal the mountain bike trail at River Legacy Park. I knew a bike teeter totter has been added since I last biked there.

I saw the bike teeter totter, clearly visible from the mountain bike parking lot. But I did not bike over it. Nor did I bike out of the mountain bike parking lot.

When I pulled my bike out of my vehicle it was quickly obvious that the front tire was totally flat. Flat front tires are easy to fix. Usually I have at least one spare tube. Today I had none.

So, the River Legacy Park Mountain Bike Trail Ride was aborted.

On my way back here I dropped in at my neighborhood Wal-Mart Supercenter to get a couple inner tubes. Among the tubes was a new one, that for $19.99 a tube, guaranteed the tube to be flat-proof. I've fallen for that before. But not this time.

When I got back here I quickly switched out the tubes. It was one of those goathead thorns that had killed my tube.

After getting the tire with the new tube back on the bike, my next calamity was my tire pump broke. The part of the pump that pushes in the valve, ceased pushing.

So, a new pump must be acquired before I am back in ride mode again.

I found out a few minutes ago that I likely will be quite sick soon. One of the Washingtonians, who I had lunch with on Tuesday, is now in American Falls, Idaho, deathly sick. On Tuesday there were 2 hugging instances, once upon arrival, once upon departure. There was also some fairly close talking in the restaurant.

My throat is already a little sore. But that may be from the green tea I'm drinking right now.

I can not remember the last time I've been sick with anything, so I am way past due. I don't know what happened to me on Tuesday that caused me to drop my usual aversion to germ-spreading unnecessary hugging.

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