Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Therapist Diagnosed Me With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

I was certain I was going to be on the Tandy Hills hiking my little heart out at this point in time. But, that will have to wait til later. Lunch will need to occur before hiking can.

I had a very troubling incident occur this morning. This incident had me worrying that it was a symptom of senility or Alzheimer's. Very troubling.

I'll try and explain my sad situation.

Four weeks ago, or maybe five (symptom) the latest season of Survivor started up. I like Survivor. So, I watch it. And then I blog about what I watched, on my TV Blog.

When I went to blog about Survivor, this morning, I found that I could not remember what the first challenge was. Then I could not remember the name of who got booted.

So, I Googled "Survivor Guatemala." I clicked on the CBS link and was very confused to find myself transported back in time to 2005, when Stephanie and Bobby Jon were on Survivor. Then I clicked on the Wikipedia link. Same thing. Survivor Guatemala: Mayan Ruins, or something like that. (symptom)

I then somehow found Jeff Probst's blog about last night's Survivor. Reading his blog I had my answers. And I found something troubling.

Probst was blogging about Survivor: Nicaragua, because that is where the current Survivor takes place, not Guatemala.

So, I looked at my previous bloggings about the latest Survivor. In all of them I called it Survivor: Guatemala. Now the comments I was getting, saying variations of "It's Nicaragua" make sense to me.

I was so troubled by this serious mental lapse that I arranged an emergency visit with my therapist, Dr. L.C.

Dr. L.C. did not take too long to diagnose that I was not senile and that I did not have early onslaught of Alzheimer's.

However. Dr. L.C. did diagnose that I have something called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Apparently I am a frenzy of activity and as a consequence of the frenzying my attention focus can wander a bit. Due to the sad fact that I can spew out verbiage at a fast pace without having to do a lot of thinking about it, I can easily overlook some obvious thing. Like typing Guatemala over and over again when I should be typing Nicaragua.

Dr. L.C. did not prescribe any medication for my ADHD. All she did to help me with my condition was to tell me to take a night off and go saloon hopping with Elsie Hotpepper on Friday night. I really do not see what good that will do regarding problems like Guatemala and Nicaragua. So, I am going to go against doctor's orders on that one and instead simply try and pay closer attention to detail.

I wonder what other whoppers of erroneousness I have floating around that I am oblivious about?

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