Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Beautiful Fall Afternoon Hiking The Tandy Hills & Thinking About Asparagus Soup

Being on the Tandy Hills, late in the afternoon, on this particular mid-October day, you can see fall in the foliage. As well as wildflowers still blooming.

I think I may harvest some Tandy Hills oats and mill some homemade oatmeal. I'm sure that must be fairly easy to do.

You are looking north in the picture.

The trees that you see in the distance are on the other side of the I-30 freeway. Looking at this view one would not think, would one, that one is in the heart of America's 4th biggest metropolitan area, a short distance from the downtown of America's (I think) 17th biggest city.

Or that you are in the 15th Most Dangerous Neighborhood in America.

The Tandy Hills, to me, feels pretty much the opposite of dangerous. It seems safe and peaceful. Particularly on as perfect a beautiful day as today has been. Weather-wise.

Other than weather-wise this has not been a particularly beautiful day. Suffice to say I never cease to be amazed at how amazingly inept some humans can be, causing me to marvel that they can safely function well enough to make it through a day. And that these humans reproduce just gives me a shudder for the future.

On a happy note. After I was done with my salubrious Tandy Hills Hiking I went to Town Talk where I found, in addition to loaves of Marble Rye Bread, you know, the type bread Seinfeld stole from an old lady in an infamous Seinfeld episode, I found real good asparagus. I bought several bunches.

I'll be making Asparagus Soup in the morning. You are welcome to drop in for a bowl or two around noon.

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