Friday, October 15, 2010

Chilled To The Bone & Starting Fires This Friday Morning In Texas

I don't know how cold it was, air temperature-wise, when I went swimming this morning. I do know, coming up on 9:30, this October 15 morning it is currently 51.

I also know that I stayed a long time in the pool this morning. Apparently this reduced my core temperature. Because, I am currently cold to my core. So much so I felt on the verge of shivering, a verge remedied by putting on a long sleeved shirt. And hooded sweatshirt. And sweatpants. And socks. And wool stocking cap.

I am starting to warm up, so I can begin to reverse this overdressing.

Getting warmer was helped by making Asparagus Soup. Somehow the melting butter to sauté onions part turned so smoky that the smoke alarm felt alarmed. I quickly got that situation under control when a paper towel began burning. Which got the smoke alarm alarmed again.

I believe I shall be going Bobcat hunting on a mountain bike at River Legacy Park. Unless I change my mind. Or catch something else on fire.

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