Thursday, October 14, 2010

Up Early In Texas With A Chilly 48 Degrees

I decided to really be wild and mix things up this morning. Which means, though I was up before the sun and went swimming soon after the sun's arrival, I did not take a picture of the pre-dawn view and blog about it.

Instead, I am blogging about the post-dawn view from my bedroom window, looking out at another blue sky day in Texas on this, the 14th day of October.

I did not ride bike or hike yesterday, except to walk over to Miss Puerto Rico's to deliver a travel itinerary.

I will over compensate for yesterday's sloth by overdoing some Tandy Hills hiking today. The temperature should be quite conducive for pleasant hiking, with the high today supposed to only get to 76, and with it currently, at almost 9:30, only 16 degrees above freezing, at 48.

No wonder the pool was particularly refreshing this morning. It was almost cold. I guess our Heat Index days are over for the year. The Heat Index making the temperature feel hotter than what the thermometer reads. Now we are in the Wind Chill time of the year, with the wind, right now, making 48 feel like 44. Which is only 12 degrees above freezing.

I probably should close the windows and put a shirt on before I start shivering.

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