Sunday, October 3, 2010

Elsie Hotpepper Did Not Bite A Hot Pepper On The Tandy Hills Tonight

Elsie Hotpepper was seeming to be a tad down in the dumps this weekend. In dire need of being cheered up.

I thought maybe with Gar the Texan bailing on going to the State Fair of Texas with me, due to choosing to go battle annoying Germans in their Fatherland, instead, that maybe Elsie would enjoy going to the State Fair of Texas to maybe take her mind off her infernal aggravations.

I was wrong. Elsie Hotpepper did not respond in an affirmative manner to my suggestion that she needed to have herself some Deep-Fried Beer.

I then thought maybe a trip to the Tandy Hills Natural Area Sanatorium might be just what Elsie Hotpepper needed to get the heat back in her peppers. This suggestion was also met with a negative, even after I conjured up an artist's rendering of Elsie Hotpepper enjoying the salubrious sanatorium that is the Tandy Hills Natural Area.

It is now less than an hour before I enjoy my favorite TV show, that being The Amazing Race, so time has now run out on me being able to come up with anything to put the pepper back in Elsie Hotpepper.

I will try again tomorrow. To re-pepper Elsie Hotpepper, I mean. But, I will not be trying much else tomorrow. Because I am in total body sore ache mode. As in, I need a day of doing nothing so my aged aching body can recover from whatever it is I have done to it that has me feeling so sore.

Well, there was that semi-bike wreck earlier today. And the Scrabble Queen of Washington did teach me some new pool moves that I think may have strained a thing or two. I am sure in the long run all will be well, as will I.

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