Monday, October 4, 2010

Aches & Pains & Cold Days In Texas

I was up early on this the 4th day of October, but I am late to my blogging habit due to Google's Blogger having a malfunction this morning with its new editor. So, I switched to the old editor, which seems to be working fine.

I hate it when 'new and improved' isn't.

I did not go swimming this morning because I decided this is a take it easy day, due to being a bit on the sore side, thanks, I think, to both a bike wreck and some new pool exercises the Scrabble Queen of Washington taught me.

I hate the aches and pains of being elderly. I think I may be experiencing the early signs of arthritis in my hands. It actually hurts to type. Gripping my bike's handlebars seems to be what's got my hands in hurt mode.

It got down to 50 last night. I read in the Seattle P-I this morning that the coldest La Nina in 50 years has formed near the equator. When this happens the Pacific sends real bad storms to the northwest, as in cold and wet with a lot of snow in the mountains.

I do not know how La Nina affects Texas. I suspect we are going to have a cold winter here, too, because even though fall is only a few days old, it is already being colder than I remember past falls being here.

It is time to take another dose of Ibuprofen.

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