Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Sunday Mountain Bike Ride At River Legacy Park With A Minor Bike Wreck & Major Leakage

With my flat tire/bad tire pump debacle behind me, today I decided to try and mountain bike the River Legacy Park trails again.

All was going well. At first. I teetered successfully over the newly added teeter totter.

And then I came to the first steep drop. This down and up has had some serious eroding take place since I used to ride down and up it with no problems.

My method for dealing with this first dip is to go down the drop fast and then bounce up the other side, with the momentum pushing me up, while I pedal to add some oomph.

Well, today I hit a root rut. Hard. The bounce knocked the chain off the sprocket, which caused there to be no tension on the pedals, which caused me to lurch forward. The momentum got me to the top. Almost. As I jumped off the bike, without falling. Sustaining only a minor cut to my knee.

The chain was easily stuck back on the sprocket, with me back blissfully pedaling.

Until another calamity befell me. I began to leak like a sieve from my eyes, soon followed by more dripping from my nose. At first I thought this was some quick onslaught of a cold caught from a germy Washingtonian on Tuesday. Then I realized the dripping was likely due to biking in the relatively frigid temperature.

I decided if the dripping did not cease by the time I completed my first time around the trails, I'd cease with the biking. The dripping did not cease, so the biking did.

Since I was sort of in the neighborhood, I went to the Pantego ALDI Food Market to get some food. Milk is only 99 cents a gallon. How are dairy farmers making any money if milk is going for 99 cents a gallon? It's very perplexing.

It's time for lunch now. Romaine salad with fish sticks and onion rings. I'm such a health food nut.

1 comment:

  1. That trail riding sounds fun, but a bit dangerous as well. Is it more dangerous than sky diving? The closest I've done to trail riding is a cyclocross race.
