Saturday, September 18, 2010

Yet One More Trek Down The Tandy Highway With Sushi & Survivor

In the picture we are looking north on the Tandy Highway, deep in the Tandy Hills Natural Area.

Yes, I know I was on the Tandy Hills last night. Being back again at noon the next day does seem a bit excessive. But, I had need for some peaceful solitude and aerobic stimulation. And nothing provides both quite as well as the Tandy Hills, that is within a short distance from my abode.

Last night the temperature was much more pleasant than I'd experienced on the Tandy Hills for quite some time. It had me thinking I might need to re-think when I schedule my hiking.

Today, at noon, it was 85, with direct sun overhead, making it feel warmer than last night's 92. The 85 may have felt hotter than last night's 92, but there was a good breeze today and sort of the sensation of a chill in the air. Very nice.

After I was done with the hills I headed to Town Talk.

Saturday is my favorite Town Talk day. It's busy and there seems to be a good chance that something randomly good will show up. That was the case today. Something was in the Town Talk cooler that I never would have thought I would see at Town Talk.


And people were grabbing up the sushi, many expressing surprise at finding sushi while doing their Town Talk treasure hunting.

That's my Town Talk Sushi Delights in the picture. 40 pieces of assorted California Rolls, Shrimp Rolls, Tempura Rolls and Shrimp Nigiri, with Wasabi, Pickled Ginger, Soy Sauce and something called Sweet Sauce.

I used to get a big platter of sushi like this in Washington Costcos. I've not seen sushi in a Texas Costco.

I would have had the sushi for lunch, but I'd already baked Cornish Game Hens and made mashed spuds. Sushi tomorrow.

While eating lunch today I turned on the TV and learned something new that I did not know my TV did. I had not realized the new Survivor started up this week. I knew it had moved to Wednesday night, but my DVR somehow did not get the memo and did not record it.

No big loss. If I really wanted to watch it I could watch it online, I thought.

When I turned on the TV and clicked the DVR to switch to my "Favorites" list I saw "Video on Demand." I'd looked at that before, but not too much. This time I saw something that made me click it. Next thing I knew I was in the Network shows on demand part. I got to CBS and there it was.


And so I watched Survivor during lunch. How does this type thing work? I don't get it. AT & T's U-Verse DVR thing somehow can send a TV show to one random TV set? I also don't get how this works on the computer. It seems as if it'd be such a bandwidth hog.

I try not to ponder too long on things I know I'll never understand. This is why I don't get headaches.

That and excessive exercise. As in, I think I'm going to go on a sunset bike ride at River Legacy Park tonight. Saturday night is the funnest night at that park. Lots of people. And if I am lucky a wedding will be taking place in the pavilion. Ask yourself what type of person would have a wedding at a place where the restroom facilities are a pair of outhouses and you'll get why River Legacy weddings can have an amusement factor.


  1. <>

    I came upon the shrine about 3 p.m., and what balance it had was definitely upset. The bicycle wheel was trying to escape over the vehicle barrier, and the tank was lying on its side. Several of the golf balls were scattered. But nothing seemed to be missing, except that a few orange crumbs were all that was left of the food offering that had been there unconsumed for weeks.
    A couple of hypotheses:
    1)Some hungry homeless people followed you to TH and stumbled across the food, but were clumsy removing it from its place.
    2)Whatever you added caused the thing to acquire consciousness, whereupon it discovered it was hungry, and partook of the sacrifice. The orange substance, however, was toxic, and caused it to go into convulsions, scattering it about.

    But all is well now, and the shrine is more or less intact until the next catastrophe.

  2. Stenotrophomonas, I likely will check out the newly restored shrine tomorrow. I added a bolt type thing to the wheel. I hope this is not what set off the chain of events you described.
