Saturday, September 18, 2010

A River Legacy Park Sunset With Bugs & Floods

At about the point where the 4 mile marker is, on the paved trail at River Legacy Park, I glanced to my left and saw the sun sitting on top of the tree line, on its final fall into sunset mode.

When I saw the sun, almost the entire globe was still above the tree line. The sun sets so fast in these parts that by the time I got the camera out and aimed, the sun had almost totally fallen behind the trees. I think no more than 15 seconds could have passed, maybe 20. That is one fast setting sun.

I was a bit disappointed in River Legacy Park tonight. Usually on Saturday evening the park is real busy, BBQs making for good smells, groups having parties. And often a wedding in the park pavilion. But, tonight there were not a lot of people. And no wedding.

Maybe people abandoned the park due to the annoying swarms of no-see-um teeny flies that hit me like a swat in the face, time and again, tonight, as I did my pedaling. I have been assaulted by these annoying insects previously. But why tonight? This is their first appearance at River Legacy Park since I've been back biking there.

I started off my pedaling tonight by heading out on the trail that leads to the west. Prior to the new trail being opened, a few years back, with the new bridge across the Trinity and miles of new trail, I used to bike and roller blade this section of trail frequently.

I thought I'd check it out and maybe see how the west end of the mountain bike trail is doing, as that is easily accessed from the west terminus of the paved trail.

Well, as you can see in the picture, I was thwarted in my attempt to pedal to the west end of the River Legacy Park Trail by water still being over the trail. The mountain bike trails are just to the south of this section of paved trail. This does not bode well for the mountain bike trails. It'll be a long long time before they are back in pedal mode.

So, that has been my exciting Saturday night, so far. A beautiful sunset, a bike ride. And a lot of bugs.

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