Saturday, September 18, 2010

Up Late September 18 Thinking About Gar The Texan's New Wife Search

I think it is 3 days in a row now that the sun is getting up before me.

I think this directly correlates to my new habit of viewing the sun setting whilst being aerobically stimulated. I like my new habit.

But, I do not like waking up after the sun does.

More than one person has asked me what's become of the Queen of Wink.

Well, the Queen of Wink is fine, but she has had to concentrate on her realm, which has left little time to be on the computer.

As for Gar the Texan. Okay, okay, no one has asked about Gar the Texan.

So, Gar the Texan is taking off for Germany tomorrow, staying in Europe for over a month, doing an intensive hunt to find a new wife.

I am assuming Germany is just the base of the wife search operation and that the actual search will take place in other countries. It seems to me, and I have done extensive thinking on this subject, knowing as I did, that a German was not a good match for Gar the Texan's extremely quirky personality, that an Italian, Spanish, Dutch or Swedish wife might work.

It will be interesting to see what Gar the Texan brings back with him from Europe this time.

In the meantime, I am going swimming.


  1. That's an expensive little hobby Gar has for himself. I expect he's suffering from diminishing returns at this point.

  2. Gar has been planning a crime spree as of late...seems that he is looking for a crime partner to buffer the impending pain of incarceration...or something like that.
