Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Will Today Be Day 19 In A Row Over 100 In North Texas?

I got up just a few minutes before the sun today. As you can see from the view from my patio, I'm drinking coffee under a mostly blue sky. Today should be Day 19 in a row of getting heated to over 100 here in North Texas.

I think the record is 42 days in a row, set back in 1980.

Today there is, supposedly, a 20% chance of rain. The forecast for today is for the high to be only 98, which, obviously, would end the streak of days over 100.

A couple days ago the prediction was also for under 100. That day hit 102 with a Heat Index of 113.

I am heading up to the Southlake zone around noon, I think.

But, before that I am going swimming, as in, right now.


  1. Right now it is 65 degrees at high noon in SW --even a little chilly for me.

  2. That's a bit chilly, Betty Jo. Right now in Texas, at almost 3 hours past high noon, it's only 91. I think our days in a row over 100 streak is over.
