Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hiking In The Texas HEAT After Another Fort Worth Police Encounter

Another 100 degree day. Number 18 or 19 in a row. Very humid. I opted for the shaded trails of Village Creek Natural Historic Area when my need to commune with nature kicked in around noon.

I had myself a really fine morning of filling out forms for the IRS, then making copies of them. I was almost to the Post Office to send the IRS my offering when I saw lights flashing behind me.

I was being tailed by a Fort Worth Police Cruiser, with its lights flashing.

I pulled into the Post Office, parked and turned off the engine, opened the door and stepped outside. An amplified voice ordered me to remain in the vehicle.

I knew I'd not done anything as serious as shoplift a pair of sox and some diapers, so I was not too concerned. Maybe a blinker was not blinking appropriately.

Eventually the officer got out of his cruiser. I asked what did I do. Your emissions sticker has expired, I was told.

Well, I knew that. I'd not gotten around to the laborious bother of getting this year's nuisance sticker. I find it aggravating.

When I lived in Washington I never had to get my vehicle's emissions tested. Here in the Fort Worth/Tarrant County zone we have thousands of Barnett Shale Natural Gas Wells that apparently put off more pollution than cars do. But, do they go through an emissions test every year? I think not.

So, the officer took my driver's license and retreated back to his cruiser. I got out of mine to ask if I could go mail my letter while he did his thing. Remain in your vehicle I was told. So Gestapo-like over having an expired emissions sticker.

When I was stopped for the serious crime of driving too slow, while not wearing my seatbelt, it took the officer at least 15 minutes before he returned with the ticket that was thrown out.

This time the officer showed up back at my door in just a couple minutes, saying something like "I'm giving you a break, so continue on your way. And get that emissions test."

I then exited my vehicle and went to mail the letter. When I came back out of the Post Office the Police Officer was back on his merry way chasing down other evildoers.

When I related this story to a particular party familiar with my various Fort Worth shenanigans, this particular person suggested the Fort Wort Police probably have me red-flagged, something along the line of unless it is a serious crime, let this person go.

Yeah, I'm sure that's it. It was strange though. I probably should go get that emissions test. If I remember right, last year I put it off for 3 months.


  1. FW Police is usually pretty good about giving you a buy on this if it it hasn't been expired for long and you weren't speeding or have another infraction.

  2. cd0103, I suppose that was it, he ran a check on me and found there were no current warrants out for my arrest and then used common sense to send me on my way.

  3. I blew off a jury summons months ago and I wonder if I would be arrested if a cop pulled my over for a driving violation. I figure on having issues when I have to renew my driver's license. Oh well.
