Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sprouts Farmers Market Website Major Malfunction

Last Wednesday when I knew I was heading in the direction of Southlake I went to check the Sprouts Farmers Market website to see if anything motivated me to stop at Sprouts.

Awhile back the Sprouts Farmers Market website changed to an annoying Flash-based mess. But, there was a non-Flash option that worked fine.

Until last week when I found the Sprouts non-Flash option had turned into a Flash option. Which really is not an option because it gets my computer all hot and bothered.

Today I decided to get my computer hot and bothered and try and look at the Sprouts website. Well, it is totally messed up. The cutesy entry page you see in the picture loads, but when you click to view the ad all kinds of stupid starts to happen.

A little thumbnail of the ad appears. You click to zoom and nothing happens. Then suddenly the zoom happens, for a flash, (because it's a Flash thing?) and then it reverts back to the thumbnail.

Using Flash for a commercial website is really dumb. Particularly one like Sprouts. A lot of people access websites via their cell phone. I can't imagine that working well with the Sprouts Flash mess.

Maybe the problem is my computer, I've not tried to get on the Sprouts Farmers Market website from another computer.

So, I did not get anything good from Sprouts today, but I did get some real good strawberries from the ALDI Food Market.

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