Wednesday, August 18, 2010

In Texas Thinking About Going Hiking With My Favorite Former Sister-In-Law

No, you are not looking at today's view from the Tandy Hills Natural Area in Fort Worth, Texas.

What you are looking at is the big hiking boots of my favorite former sister-in-law, Mindy Mae, taking a rest after hiking to the top of Sauk Mountain in the Skagit Valley of the State of Washington.

The snow cone in the distance is what is known as a mountain. We don't have such things in my current location. I can tell the mountain in the picture is a volcano, but I can't tell if it is the Mount Baker or Glacier Peak volcano.

I am leaning towards it being Mount Baker, because I don't recollect being able to see Glacier Peak from Sauk Mountain. Glacier Peak is the least seen of the Washington volcanoes. It is deeper into the Cascades, thus blocked from view, usually, unless you are up high in the Cascades or in a location deep in the valleys surrounding Glacier Peak.

The last time I was on Sauk Mountain was with my favorite former sister-in-law's youngest, my nephew, Joey. It was snowing and icy. I was likely being an irresponsible uncle. But, we made it to the top of the mountain and safely back down. With a little sliding along the way.

My favorite former sister-in-law has become an ardent hiker. Hiking was something she did not do before she got the "former" title. I think maybe being married to my brother kept Mindy Mae metaphorically anchored to the valley, and when that anchor went aweigh she started soaring into the mountains.

I blogged about Sauk Mountain on one of my other blogs today. Along with another picture from Mindy Mae.

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