Friday, August 6, 2010

A Surprise Friday Late Afternoon Thunderstorm Blows Into East Fort Worth & Gets Me Wet

You can not tell it from the picture of my patio view. But the 6 o'clock in the early Friday evening view is stormy. The forecast was for a 20% chance of rain today. I figured we'd likely stay dry.

But, about 20 minutes ago I thought I was hearing thunder booming in the distance. But the sky did not look menacing.

And then the booming got louder, the wind got windier and suddenly drops of wetness were hitting my window.

So, I grabbed my camera and headed out to the patio. And quickly snapped a picture whilst trying to keep the camera dry. Then I stuck the camera safely undercover and returned to the patio to stand in the rains.

It was a nice, cool, unexpected shower. At 102 degrees.

The loud booms continue. I hope I don't have a repeat of yesterday evening's short power outage.

UPDATE: I barely hit the publish button and all hell broke loose. Really strong wind, tree branches snapping, lightning striking close. hail, heavy rain.

I went to take a picture, which is the one you're looking at.

And then the power went out, just like I mentioned I feared that it would. But it was only out for a couple minutes.

I love a good storm. But I was not prepared for this one. I had all my artificial plants out on the patio for a natural dusting. Two of them flew away. I may be able to rescue them when we dry out. If we dry out.

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