Friday, August 6, 2010

At Green Fosdic Lake Thinking About Making Turtle Soup & Talking To My Sister

You are looking at a turtle herd enjoying basking in the 100 degree plus sun on the beautifully green Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park, today around noon.

It is not a good idea to eat fish you catch in Fosdic Lake. I don't know why anyone would want to eat fish they caught in a green lake.

Or make turtle soup out of turtles caught in a green lake. I only make turtle soup out of turtles I catch in really clear, clean water.

I called my mom and dad as I was on my way to Fosdic Lake to wish them a Happy Anniversary. But, I got the answering machine with my dad's poetic message, "We are not home to answer the phone, please leave a message after the tone."

I then called my sister in the Phoenix zone who lives near my mom and dad. I had not heard anything in the past week about my nephew Jeremy's heart condition.

Well, my sister answered her phone. She told me mom and dad had gone down to the south part of Arizona, I guess because it was not hot enough for them in the Valley of the Sun. They'd gone as far as Bisbee and then stayed in Wilcox overnight.

Jeremy has had no more heart out of control incidents. They return to the cardiologist on August 11 to find out the test results.

It was nice to hear Jeremy's heart is not acting up, and other good news about my siblings, well good news about 50% of my siblings.

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