Friday, August 6, 2010

Missing Washington Mutual Due To Chase Bank Incompetence

I miss Washington Mutual. It was real easy to call Washington Mutual. The Washington Mutual ATMs worked real well. Unlike the Chase Bank new-fangled ATM's that vex me with way to many inputs needed.

A couple weeks ago I realized Chase had mailed a new bank card to my old address. This is the 2nd time Chase has replaced my bankcard since Chase took over WaMu.

This time it is switching from MasterCard to Visa.

So, I logged into my secure Chase account and went to their message center to tell Chase they sent the new card to the wrong address.

This began a series of nonsensical responses. The responses had the feeling that I'd reached a Ukrainian support center. I was told such a request could not be honored from an email, that I had to go talk to a Chase banker in person with 2 pieces of I.D.

I replied that that was ridiculous, that it was not a request made via email, that it was made using their supposedly secure online banking website. The reply to that told me that my account had been reviewed and confirmed a card had been sent to me June 28.

To which I replied that I already knew that, the card was sent June 28 to the wrong address. At that point, last Thursday, I decided to call Chase. That turned into the phone tree from hell. I got to the phone tree from hell after entering all the digits on my current card and the PIN. And then it told me my account balance. Which is not what I was calling about.

Eventually I got to an option to talk to a phone banker. After a few minutes a woman with an extremely thick Indian accent, that I had trouble understanding, asked how she could help me. After a lot of effort she understood the problem, said she'd take care of it right then, that I'd have my new card in 2 business days.

That was last Thursday. I still have not received the new card. I did get an email from Chase telling me that a new card had been sent and for me to activate it as soon as possible because my current card goes inoperative on September 15.

I'm assuming I'll muster the energy to visit the Chase Bank phone tree from hell again, sometime before September 15.

Oh, I forgot the most amusing thing about this Chase debacle. I asked the Indian accented phone banker where she was located. I assumed she was going to say India. Instead she told me she was in Irving, Texas. I said that's only a few miles from where I live.

Maybe I could drive to Irving and pick up my missing bank card. Or ride my bike. Or walk.

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