Saturday, August 7, 2010

Up With The Sun August 7 Dried Out From Friday's Storm

I got up about the same time the sun did this morning.

We appear to have dried out from Friday's early evening rather violent surprise storm.

We also have chilled down a bit. Several mornings in a row have started out already in the 80s. This morning it is only 78, but very very humid, thanks to all that wet stuff that came crashing down yesterday.

Today, Sunday and Monday the prediction is for a 20% chance of showers, the same prediction that brought a violent thunderstorm yesterday that knocked out the electricity for a brief moment of no air conditioning unpleasantness.

I feel the need to excessively over aerobicize myself today. I think I will start that plan in a few minutes by going swimming.

See you later today on the Tandy Hills. Maybe.

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