Saturday, July 10, 2010

Walking Fosdic Lake With Tootsie Tonasket & Baby Turtles

Last Saturday I was walking around Fosdic Lake, talking to Tootsie Tonasket, when I came upon a big turtle evacuating the lake.

This Saturday I was walking around Fosdic Lake, talking to Tootsie Tonasket, and I came upon another turtle evacuating Fosdic Lake.

Today's lake evacuee was a little turtle, obviously a pre-turtle puberty, so he was not off on some mating mission like I thought last week's bigger turtle might have been.

So, what's happened? Did the turtles get the memo that there are bad toxins in their home?

It's sort of disturbing seeing turtles out where they probably should not be.

Tootsie Tonasket was being particularly amusing today. I think she may have been being giddy because her zone of Eastern Washington is finally getting some hot temperatures. As in the 100s.

This morning I blogged about Winthrop. That's not a person, it's a tourist town near where Tootsie lives. I asked Tootsie when she was last in Winthrop, curious was I about what's changed since I was last there, at least 10 years ago. Tootsie had been in Winthrop in the past year, having burgers on the deck of one of the riverside restaurants.

Other than that, Tootsie did not have a lot of information for me about Winthrop.

I just got an emergency call from Miss Puerto Rico. She is out of ice. I guess I'll go cool her down.

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