Saturday, July 10, 2010

J.D. Granger's Mom, Kay, Wants You To Cover Your Butt

That is the mother of J.D. Granger holding up a shirt in the picture.

J.D.'s mama is Fort Worth Congresswoman Kay Granger. Kay was born January 18, 1943. She looks very good at 67 years old.

Then again, I'm making that shallow judgment based on one photo that may have had some re-touching work done to it. I've not see Kay Granger in person, that I recollect.

Why is Miss Kay holding a t-shirt that advises "cover your butt"?

Is Miss Kay giving this shirt to her son? Advising J.D. that he should cover his butt regarding likely upcoming woes with the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle?

J.D. was in need of a job, so his mom decided to give the voters of Fort Worth a civics lesson and show them what nepotism is. Though he had no experience in running a big project, Miss Kay got J.D. put in charge of running the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle.

This is a good paying job. I don't know if J.D. had a good paying job before his mama got him this one.

I also don't know why this little act of nepotism has not been an issue among Miss Kay's colleagues in Washington, D.C.

Is it because those in Washington, D.C. know that Fort Worth is in a protective bubble, immune from the laws that govern the rest of America, making nepotism perfectly okay, where having outrageous conflicts of interest, such as with the Mayor of Fort Worth, Mike Moncrief, who makes over $600,000 a year from his holdings in the various Barnett Shale gas drillers poking holes in Fort Worth, is not understood to be criminal behavior?

Maybe Miss Kay is giving "Cover Your Butt" t-shirts to all people in positions of governance in the Fort Worth/Tarrant County zone. Like those who oversee Tarrant County College and its various boondoggles. And Fort Worth's mayor and all his minions. And of course all the Trinty River Vision Boondoggle good ol' boys.

I'd even like one for myself. There are plenty of times when I need to "cover my butt". Like right now.

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