Sunday, July 11, 2010

Up Late This Second Sunday Of July Thinking About Hummus & Going Swimming

You are looking at the view from my patio this, the 2nd Sunday of July. As you can see the sun has arrived and is lighting up the place, which is a good clue I slept in past dawn today. This does not happen too often.

It did not rain in copious amounts yesterday for the first time in a few days. I'm hoping the unseemly, out of the ordinary, extra wetness is done for the summer and we can dry the humidity out of the air and return to a more pleasant desert-like outdoor experience, instead of the current sauna bath.

A couple days ago I blogged about the Tex-Mess I made of trying to make hummus. Yesterday I threw my remaining garbanzo beans in the slow cooker, thinking slow cooking them would have a better result that my first attempt.

Last night Alan commented on my hummus making debacle with really good suggestions that make me think my second attempt will turn out better. Originally I had said there would be no second attempt at hummus, but, ironically, even though I somehow managed to make cement hummus, it is still quite tasty and I have been eating the stuff.

I am heading to the pool in a bit for a long long swim. What happens after that, this second Sunday of July, I have no idea.

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