Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Walking Around Fort Worth's Fosdic Lake Looking For My Camera

Earlier today we were looking out the pre-dawn view from my patio. Right now we are looking at the early evening view from the same location. We are not out there drinking coffee. Or a cooling libation. Because it is too HOT to be out there.

As in it is 91 coming up on 6 o'clock.

I took off out of here around 3 to go to Oakland Lake Park to walk around Fosdic Lake. On the way I got gas.

Even though I got gas I did not call my mom to tell her I got gas. I know this is a radical departure from my norm, but I had my reasons.

When I got to Oakland Lake Park and reached for my camera, it was missing. I knew I had either left it at home, or it had fallen out while I was getting gas. I had a previous falling out incident.

So, I drove back to the gas getting location. No camera was laying on the ground. When I got back home, I did find the camera, unmolested, sitting on my desk.

This morning I heard from the long lost Singapore native, Yap Wee Cheng. Later in the day I heard from the long lost Washington native, Tommy Nelson. Both natives came to me via Facebook. I generally do not like Facebook. But, it does have some uses.

My re-filling pool is almost full. This means I can resume my bad swimming habit in the morning. Unless some currently unforeseen calamity intercedes.

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