Thursday, July 8, 2010

Up Before The Sun Again On a Fort Worth Thursday Colder Than Seattle

You might be able to guess from the dark nature of the view from my patio that I am up, again, way before dawn's crack. And, once more, with no sun lighting up the place, my camera's flash provides the only illumination.

The waking up way too early thing causes me to be tired way too early, thus causing the getting up way too early to repeat.

It's only 78 out there. I turned off the A/C and opened the windows about 2 this morning. I do not recollect ever doing this in July, in Texas, before.

Meanwhile, up in the Pacific Northwest, the locals are in overheating mode due to record breaking temperatures, as in, Seattle hit 90 on Wednesday, breaking a nearly 60 year record, when it got to 88 at Sea-Tac on July 7, 1953.

Today is predicted to be even hotter in the Northwest. In the Northwest few of those hapless souls have air-conditioning in their homes. In addition to rarely having any need for A/C, a heat wave usually only lasts 3 days, at the longest, due to the hot air getting drawn over the Cascades and thus drawing in cool air that had been hovering over the Pacific Ocean.

Our high, here in my Fort Worth zone of Texas, is predicted to hit 88 today. Cooler than Seattle. But, we have no hope, here, of the HOT temperatures drawing in some cool air from the Pacific Ocean. We might draw in some HOT humid tropical air from the Gulf of Mexico.

My current plan is to be in Arlington today. Among other things, I'll likely go to Veterans Park and ALDI.

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