Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fort Worth's New Heliport & Other Boondoggles

I can't tell you how pleased I was to recently learn that the City of Fort Worth is planning on building a new Heliport.

The existing Heliport, at Meacham Field, is really inconvenient for me, what with it being way north on Main Street, a few miles past the Fort Worth Stockyards.

The new Heliport will be closer to my abode, thus really cutting my helicopter commute time.

It makes me proud how well run my dear City of Fort Worth is. With our city's leaders having all their priorities correctly ordered.

Recently the city, at our dear Mayor's urging, gave RadioShack another tax break. So, RadioShack will continue to bless our fair city with their corporate presence.

Fort Worth's city government has been making very wise budget choices, so that funds are available for important things. Like keeping the city's golf courses open. Re-striping library parking lots. Re-paving closed swimming pool parking lots. And building a better Heliport.

It was very wasteful having all those city owned swimming pools open. And who used them? Poor people. Why should the city provide poor people a place to swim? Let them swim with the alligators in Lake Worth.

It was also a big waste of money to have Community Centers where kids could go for some safe fun.

Cutting back on library hours to save some money was real smart too.

If the City of Fort Worth, in its infinite wisdom, did not rid itself of these ridiculous expenses, how would it be able to afford the things that matter? Like the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle and new Heliports.

1 comment:

  1. Tarrant Regional Water District has a helipad on the former Radio Shack property downtown right next to the Trinity river. You can see it on Google Earth with a helicopter sitting on the pad. Private helicopters can use it with permission from TRWD.

    A single helipad can't handle much traffic I suppose. I don't really know.
