Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Texas Champion Of Natural Gas Chesapeake Energy

The Texas Champion of Natural Gas, Chesapeake Energy, sends out an E-Newsletter called Barnett Bulletin.

The latest Barnett Bulletin has some interesting information about Chesapeake Energy and the good deeds the company has been up to.

Like in Euless. There used to be a sports bar in Euless called Gators. It was very popular, very successful. It was one of Gar the Texan's favorite places to sing and consume adult beverages. Attached to Gators was a Ramada Inn that had closed down.

A couple years ago, for reasons that made no sense to me, the City of Euless shut down Gators.

And now in this Barnett Bulletin I learn what Chesapeake Energy did to Gators.

Property sees new life at familiar location in Euless

Just recently, two properties in Euless experienced a much-needed “face-lift” when Chesapeake Energy had the buildings demolished by Midwest Wrecking and the area cleaned up.

Located at Hwy. 183 and Murray , the former Ramada Inn and nearby Gator’s Restaurant had become an unattractive part of the landscape over time, due to neglect.

“It’s been an eyesore for a long time,” said Bedford resident Lloyd Hicks. “Now we’ll have beautiful greenery to look at until something else goes in,” added Hicks.

With the help and support of community leaders and various city staff, Chesapeake continues restoring blighted properties to more acceptable standards, allowing the best and highest use of each.

Okay, how is it that Chesapeake Energy "had" buildings demolished in Euless? Is Chesapeake Energy now the shadow government of Euless like it is in Fort Worth?

And in another part of the Barnett Bulletin I learned that Chesapeake Energy is now working with the Fort Worth Independent School District, which would seem to render that independent word a bit ironic.

School may be out, but the learning and fun don't have to stop!

With Chesapeake’s support, the City of Fort Worth and the Fort Worth Independent School District have created a fun and educational program for students to enjoy during the summer.

Yesterday we learned that DISH mayor, Calvin Tillman, is considering leaving DISH to escape the hazards brought to his town, courtesy of Chesapeake Energy and others.

But in the Barnett Bulletin we learn there is nothing wrong in DISH.

State-conducted health study shows no pattern of contamination in DISH

Texas Department of State Health Services study shows no sign of "community-wide" exposure for DISH, Texas residents.

Yes, all the Texas state agencies have a very solid record of doing un-biased, accurate testing in their ever vigilant looking out for the welfare of the citizens of Texas.

1 comment:

  1. as i was reading it i was wondering why they only "tested" 28 citizens. If the TD of SHS really wanted to get accurate results then they should have test everyone. In my opinion "community-wide" exposure would be the town as a whole not 28 people. and how did they chose which 28 were to be "tested"? very perplexing
