Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Pink Wildflower Blooms On A Dried Out Tandy Hill While I Have A Royal Conversation

It rained hard here yesterday, early in the evening. Along with some good lightning strikes and thunder booms.

Today, I figured, with it nearing 100, that the Tandy Hills would be dried out from yesterday's deluge. I was correct in this assumption. You would have thought not a drop of water had fallen on the hills.

The dose of water did seem to perk up some of the remaining wildflowers. Like the pink guys you see in the picture.

The Queen of Wink called me this morning. I, once more, did not hear the phone make the noise indicating someone was calling me. When I later flipped open the phone I saw the Queen had called me.

So, I hit the return call button and a miracle occurred. My telecommunication device successfully reached Wink. Yes there were some followup issues that required me to call back. And then to plug the antique thing into a wall.

Now that you're making me think about it, I wonder where my phone is now?

Anyway, yesterday the Queen of Wink called me from Fredericksburg where she'd gone to have sauerkraut and fudge. Such cravings might indicate a baby is on the way. But, I'm almost 100% sure that is not the case.

I can't remember the last time I had sauerkraut and fudge.


  1. Are those pink flowers very small, about 1/4" diameter? If so they are called Ladybird's Century. They are very rare so tread carefully. I saw some last week at THNA. Go here to compare:

  2. DY, yes, about 1/4" in diameter. I saw them in a couple locations.

    I'm trying to remember where I took the picture.

    Okay, walking in from View St. on the main trail, take the right at the first junction, then the right at the next junction and I think they were in the tall grass off the side of the trail.

    The flowers in the link look to be the same that I saw today.

  3. There are quite a few of those flowers by the trail that ends up at the small picnic area on Chelsea just south of Meadowbrook. I don't recall exactly how far up, but well before the wider trails (we need to make up names for these trails).

  4. Agreed. Hills, too. I have been using my own names for some of them for years. Bluebell Hill; Hobbit Trail; Indian Meadow; etc. There is a rough Trail Map posted on the FOTHNA website. It's a start. Link here:
