Wednesday, June 2, 2010

We Are Storming Tonight In Fort Worth On The 2nd Day Of June

That is the 7 o'clock view from my patio. It is stormy out there. Are we, finally, about to have our first BIG STORM of the year in the Fort Worth zone?

Lightning is busy flashing. Very hard to capture, picture-wise. Thunder is booming. Easier to capture, sound-wise.

Rain is now coming down. Is BIG hail soon to follow?

The rain has now turned torrential. It is getting very windy.

Okay, this is now being a rather WILD storm. You people up in Washington, reading this and currently whining about all that rain you've been having? You have no idea what a really wet thing really bad rain can be.

My power is flickering. Must hit the publish button before I go dead, electrically speaking.

1 comment:

  1. This one surprised me. 20% chance of rain in Texas is nothing. Wow. We lost power 3 times, but not for long.

    My animals are crazy!
