Thursday, June 10, 2010

Seeing Fog While Watching For Flash Floods In Fort Worth

You are looking at the view from my computer room window, Thursday morning, with me now on my second day of watching for a Flash Flood.

So far, no Flash Flood, very little rain, with this morning looking more like a Flash Fog than Flood.

As in I was slightly drizzled on when I went swimming this morning, making it seem like I was near the ocean, swimming, rather than 100s of miles from the nearest saltwater.

According to the almost thoroughly discredited weather forecasters, rain and thunderstorms are possible today.

With it being like a stereotypical Pacific Northwest winter day out there, except for being 75, I'm making a warm me up in winter type thing this morning.

That would be a big pot of chili. It will go good with this humongous loaf of something called Artisan Jumbo County Whole Wheat Bread. I got the Jumbo Bread at Town Talk yesterday. I've never seen a loaf of bread like this before. It weighs over 3 pounds.

Cheese finally returned to Town Talk yesterday. The chili with cheese will be ready about 1 this afternoon. Don't be late for lunch.

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