Thursday, June 10, 2010

Today There Were No Flash Floods On The Tandy Hills

Well, I was worried about Elsie Hotpepper because I'd not heard from her today. Usually Elsie checks in by 10 in the morning to ask if I'm OK, to which I always say, NO.

But, just as I was about to blog about the missing Elsie Hotpepper, among other things, my phone rings and it's Elsie. Suffice to say, Elsie Hotpepper has had herself a day. None of which I am permitted to blog about.

So, today was that magical day that has happened every HOT season I've been in Texas, that day when it is extremely HOT and I suddenly find I am not minding it. As in the yearly acclimation process is complete.

Today when I went watching for Flash Floods on the Tandy Hills it was just below 90, with the extreme humidity making it feel like it was 98. A slight wind helped a bit with the humidity. I enjoyed the steam bath.

I saw no Floods Flashing on the Tandy Hills. The only water on Tandy Falls was my water bottle, which you can see, if you look close enough, in the picture.

I just heard rumbling in the distance. Is it thunder? Or another natural gas pipeline exploding?

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