Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ceasing All Aerobic Activity While I Watch For A Texas Flash Flood

I am about 6 hours into my National Weather Service advised order to watch for flash flooding.

You are looking at the view I'm looking at to watch for flash floods, out my computer room window.

So far I have seen about 20 minutes of rain, about 2 hours ago.

I have seen no flooding. I am supposed to keep watching for flash floods until Thursday evening, if I remember my instructions correctly.

I am currently consuming iced coffee to try to perk up my flood watch abilities.

Events conspired to keep me from any hiking type aerobic endorphin releasing activity today, including a swimming pool that got its weekly shock treatment, late yesterday, and so was not safe to use this morning.

Consequently, due to the absence of over stimulating my blood flow and getting dosed with endorphins, I am being a bit groggy and grumpy. Not exactly unusual for me.

The Roy Orbison Festival takes place June 18. The Palace is the only lodging facility in Wink. I can't make up my mind whether I should book a room at The Palace, or not. That is planning way too far ahead for my norm.

The latest therapeutic opinion from my therapist, Dr. L.C., was that I was a mess. Is this type diagnosis the sort of thing a doctor gets un-doctored over? It perplexes me.


  1. The Palace books up quickly, so you might want to deviate from your usual routine of waiting until the very last minute :-)

    You should try Yoga for when you're unable to get your usual endorphin fix. Always works for me.

  2. CT2---
    It is really hard for me to change my bad habits.

    I do do yoga, every morning, pretty much. It's not all that aerobic. And thus no endorphins for me. You must get an endorphin fix easier than me, hence your more naturally easy going laid back nature.
