Friday, May 14, 2010

A Stormy Fort Worth Friday In Texas

I sat down to eat lunch, windows open, a nice breeze blowing. And then it hit. Heavy rain and heavy wind.

You're looking at trees blowing in the wind outside my patio.

Rain was being blown indoors, so the windows had to be closed.

About a half hour into the rain I started hearing thunder in the distance. I had a cable station on on the TV, I think it was the Military History Channel. One of those incoming nuclear bomb type warnings went off, you know, that dire, this is a test of the Emergency Broadcasting System type warning.

Only it was a warning for an incoming Severe Thunderstorm. I'd never seen this type warning on the cable stations before. I'd assumed that if I weren't watching network TV that I was safe from localized Weather Drama Queening.

Apparently that is yet one more of my many erroneous assumptions.

The Severe Thunderstorm Watch is now over. For now.

I have no idea if the inclement weather is wreaking havoc with the big American Idol event that starts about 4 this afternoon in the Fort Worth Stockyards. I do know that Casey James is making his way across the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and that this morning he was at a Meet & Greet at an AT&T Store in Grapevine, where he got a text message with the extremely exciting news that he'd be singing John Mayer's "Daughters" on Tuesday.

I don't care for that song.

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