Friday, May 14, 2010

The Raging Storm Over At Miss Puerto Rico's

That is the Stormy Friday view from Miss Puerto Rico's, looking north at a menacing 4 in the afternoon Spring Sky in Texas.

I was able to get in an early morning swim before inclement weather arrived. The incoming wetness put a halt to any further salubrious aerobicizing.

Consequently, I am currently suffering severely from endorphin withdrawal.

Acute crankiness will likely soon arrive.

I may have to dodge the puddles of water to make a return to the big puddle of water to try and work up some endorphins via swimming.

Elsie Hotpepper is being in slight umbrage mode this afternoon. Something to do with Elsie thinking I somehow suggested she was too skinny. I vehemently deny ever making such an erroneous suggestion.

Meanwhile, the Queen of Wink told me I was a piece of candy. What? Sweet and sticky? Empty calories? I am very perplexed.

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