Saturday, May 15, 2010

Identifying Steve Doeung's Mysterious Phantom Lawyer Ed Fitzgerald

My West Fort Worth Investigator, CD, believes this to be a photograph of the mysterious lawyer who calls himself Ed Fitzgerald.

In the picture, Fitzgerald is making the peace sign in the now defunct JJ's Hideaway. This was reportedly Fitzgerald's favorite watering hole until he moved on to Oscar's Pub on Camp Bowie Boulevard.

Ed Fitzgerald is the lawyer who was acting as Steve Doeung's lawyer in the Carter Avenue/Chesapeake Energy Abuse of Eminent Domain Case, without Steve Doeung having engaged this guy as his lawyer.

To this day, Steve Doeung has not met Ed Fitzgerald. We have yet to figure out how it is someone came to represent Steve Doeung without Steve Doeung's permission.

Or without Steve Doeung being informed that someone was acting as his lawyer.

The closest we have gotten to an explanation is to be told that this is "The Fort Worth Way."


  1. Having followed the story, the details surrounding Steve's battles, legal and otherwise, to protect his family's legal and property rights provide intriguing information and insights into life in the B.S. era. Even more, the legal aspects of his case raise some perplexing and even troubling questions. Apparently nothing can be done and/or no one really cares enough to do something about the many injustices perpetrated on this poor man. At least he has your tenacious attention, Durango. Keep on shining the light on this unacceptible travesty. Still, WHY HAS THIS GUY NOT GOTTEN SOME KIND OF LEGAL HELP? It would seem that people living in the buckle of the Bible belt would feel compelled by their faith to help one of what the Bible calls "the least of these", the phrase coming from the context of Jesus' teaching about loving one's neighbor. Ironic. Tragic and shameful, actually.

  2. Ed's dead. You can cease your defamation campaign now.
