Saturday, May 15, 2010

Learning About A Baby's Heartbeat At Veterans Park in Arlington

I was housebound all day yesterday, except for my early morning pool escape.

Today, Saturday, I had to get outside. My options were limited, due to yesterday's deluging. I decided to go to Veterans Park in Arlington, and then to ALDI in Pantego.

When Veterans Park came in to view I could see it was busy. And that there were signs stuck along the paved trail.

I could not make out what the signs were saying as I drove by, til I slowed up to enter the parking lot to read a sign telling me that "A Baby's Heartbeat Begins 21 Days After Conception."

Why is this message greeting me, as I entered the park, I drove and wondered.

Was this an anti-abortion thing? Is that an appropriate type of propaganda to display all over a public park?

I think not.

Eventually I figured out it was some sort of church event. I saw a couple different churches named on signs. Other signs advertised Hot Dogs & Chips for $1.50.

The churches also had one of those annoyingly noisy bounce houses, plus live music coming from the bandstand. You can see the bounce house above the wildflowers, on the right.

I have no idea if this was an anti-abortion deal, or what. Veterans Park has a very well done War Memorial. I was thinking that putting up signs protesting war, now that would seem appropriate in Veterans Park.

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