Friday, May 14, 2010

GASLAND, Fort Worth's Museum of Modern Art, Elsie Hotpepper & Me

Yesterday. Or was it the day before? I mentioned the gala GASLAND the movie event, Wednesday, at Fort Worth's Museum of Modern Art.

I said...

"It was a gala affair. I can not remember the last affair I've attended that was more gala. I also do not recollect seeing Elsie Hotpepper attired in red carpet worthy fashion, before last night, nor myself, with a bow tie. Like I said. Gala affair."

This morning I was asked if there were any pictures of myself in a bow tie and Elsie Hotpepper being all red carpet worthy.

Then, this afternoon, the Queen of Wink commented on the bow tie.

Thus, obliging sort that I am, I felt compelled to find a picture of myself and Elsie Hotpepper in our movie going duds.

I have to tell you, I find wearing a suit and a bow tie to be very annoying. I am not used to wearing that much clothing or having something choking me around my neck. Bow ties do not last long, on me, before being loosened.

I am scheduled to go to a wedding, tomorrow, at a church in downtown Fort Worth. It is the first wedding I will have attended since a disastrous one in Washington in April of 2006, where I was severely criticized for my wedding attire, one element of which was brown cargo pants.

I will not be wearing cargo pants to a Fort Worth wedding. I also will not be wearing a bow tie. And I do not believe Elsie Hotpepper will be in attendance.

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