Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Scrabble Queen Of Washington Takes Mercy On A Good Ol' Texas Boy

Scrabble is pretty much the only thing I've found that I like about Facebook. The rest of Facebook seems to manage to only be slightly less annoying than that has-been, MySpace.

I think I've said before that playing Scrabble has exercised part of my brain that usually lies dormant and has somehow amped up my already fairly well-amped ability to quickly spew words.

If I don't find some Scrabble games to play in the morning, whilst I eat breakfast, it really starts the day off on a bad note for me.

Fortunately, the Scrabble Queen of Washington is quite good at reliably providing me my Scrabble stimulation. To a lesser degree, the Scrabble Princess of Eastern Washington, Tootsie Tonasket, does a bit less stimulating, Scrabble-wise.

I think, lately, the Scrabble Queen of Washington has been taking mercy on me and is not using so many big point words, thus letting me win a game or two. I appreciate that.

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