Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Comments About Adrian Murray & John Basham For Tarrant Regional Water Board With Fresh Marty Leonard Nonsense

This morning I was freshly amused by letters to the editor in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram regarding the May 8 Tarrant Regional Water Board election. I've opined, previously, that letters in support of challengers, Adrian Murray and John Basham, seem genuine and original, while letters in support of Jim Lane, and particularly, Marty Leonard, seemed contrived, phony and a shill-like propaganda product.

This morning there was only one letter regarding the Water Board election and it was another Marty Leonard one that reads as if it comes from the same pen. I won't bother copying this Marty Leonard letter, since like I've said, they are all basically the same letter.

Today's letter's choice line was, "Marty is a Fort Worth native with a strong commitment to our city."

Is that not a compelling argument to vote for this woman?

Meanwhile, previous bloggings about the Water Board election got a couple of comments in support of Adrian Murray and John Basham, this morning, that sound as genuine and real as the letters to the editor in support of the Dynamic Duo, do.

Those two comments below...

alicialany said...

AHH Jim Lane... isn't he the same Jim Lane, an attorney, who is responsible for the city of Forest Hill going down the tubes, why yes, yes it is. We don't need anymore lawyers running the government and we certainly don't need to be reading glowing editorials for Jim Lane written by other lawyers (Smith). Time to stand up people! Vote them out and vote Adrian Murray and John Basham, they are patriots and good men who will look out for the citizens.

Andrea K said...

I am voting for Adrian Murray and John Basham. I know these two honorable men and they will listen to the citizens of Tarrant County and protect the citizens property from being stolen for eminent domain. Too often the government just does what it wants without regard for the taxpayers. (for instance, outsourcing the contract to a company out of state) Adrian and John will respect the taxpayers' wishes. Vote for Adrian Murray and John Basham!

Let me see if I can write a Marty Leonard type endorsement letter...

To the Editor:

There is no one alive in Texas who has done more to assure that Texans have had the water needed to nourish our families and keep them clean than Marty Leonard. Marty Leonard is the reason the rest of the world is green with envy over the water of Texas.

Under Marty Leonard's visionary leadership the lives of untold thousands of Texans have been vastly improved.

Marty Leonard has expanded the role of the Water Board to include providing new parkland for the citizens she works so hard to serve. Marty Leonard is instrumental in directing the Tarrant Regional Water Board's visionary leadership role in the Trinity River Vision which will protect our citizens from floods for decades, saving lives and providing a recreational opportunity unparalleled in the known universe.

In addition to all Marty Leonard has done during her wise stewardship she has also done many other good works, including regularly giving homeless people shelter in her modest west Fort Worth home.

We can not afford not to re-elect Marty Leonard to this very important position so that she can guide us through the coming years of growth, working hard to save our water and find a fresh supply from Oklahoma.

Durango Jones
Fort Worth, Texas

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