Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Spread The Big White Puffy Wildflower By Burning The Tandy Hills To The Ground

Due to my recently diagnosed Endorphin Addiction, my therapist, Dr. L.C., insists I get a minimum of one hour of strenuous aerobic endorphin stimulation a day, within approximately 8 hours of my morning get up time.

This usually works out to being around noon.

Today at noon I was stuck up in Hurst and not in any situation where acquiring endorphins was possible.

Before heading to Hurst I somehow managed to break my blogging record. 11 bloggings on 5 different blogs. This one I'm currently typing will be #12 for the day. It's the endorphin stimulation that causes this excess verbiage. It can not be stopped.

I got back here about 2. Then about 3 I took off for the Tandy Hills. I had a reason to be in that area. Today I entered the Sanatorium via the View Street main entry. This took me by the section of the prairie that was burned black last summer, due to a 4th of July related firecracker attack.

The current condition of that burned off area is a testament to the fact that wildfires on the prairie are a good thing. That is the formerly burned off section in the picture at the top. Less than one year later, this small area is likely the lushest, most varied, greenest, thickest, healthiest spot on the Tandy Hills.

I say, burn the whole place down. In a controlled way, of course. We could make it a Big 4th of July event. Firetrucks in place to keep the fire from spreading out of the prescribed burn zone. Volunteers in place to tamp down the fire, if the need arises.

Somehow I can't see this happening. But what a much healthier Tandy Hills prairie it would make.

I saw a new wildflower today. That is what I am assuming it was. Until correctly identified I am calling it the Big Puffy White Wildflower. It is the size of a large grapefruit. I saw only one.

I've had myself a day, today. I just got a message from the Scrabble Queen of Washington. I think I am off to play Scrabble now.


  1. lol-- I must not follow all of your blogs because I don't remember 12 posts today. Must go explore.

  2. Twister, how do you know these things? Is it a Texas Sweet Onion? I think I may yank it out of the ground and have me some fresh onion.

    cd0103, good luck on the blog sleuthing! I think there were 4 bloggings today on this one, 4 or 5 on the TV one, and 1 or 2 on the 2 or 3 others. I really need to investigate finding a new hobby.

  3. I was making a guess based on my childhood. I spent a lot of time playing in the fields. If it is an onion it shouldn't be too hard to tell, basically because the plant will emit an onion smell.
