Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Photo Of Saturday's Murdered Fort Worth Freeway Bull

That is, supposedly, a picture of the bull that was murdered this past Saturday after it somehow got onto Interstate 30, in my neighborhood, managing to tie up traffic on both sides of the freeway as it ran in a panic.

I thought this took place in daylight. Maybe the picture was taken after dark, with the crime scene still in place and the bull not yet taken to the morgue.

This does not appear to be a very big bull. It looks more like a deer than a big ol' bull.

I have yet to read where the bull came from, how it escaped and how it came to be running down the freeway. Or who the owner is.

Many people are wondering why, since Fort Worth is known as Cowtown, a more appropriate way of stopping the bull, like a cowboy on a horse wielding a lasso, was not used to get the scared bull under control.

I believe some shots were taken with tranquilizer darts, to no avail, which led to bullets being used.

This is the second, or is it third, instance of a bovine creature running amok here in Fort Worth within the past year.

We really need to make it less easy for bulls to get on the freeway, here in Fort Worth, when they get into escape mode. Other towns seem to do a better job of keeping their livestock penned up and off their freeways.

1 comment:

  1. It probably took place at the time you suspect. What I think happened is the person taking the picture had it on auto and the sensor on the camera sensing all the light from the flare adjusted the shutter speed accordingly for the flare. The fast shutter speed, not allowing time for ambient light to reach the film plane caused everything to appear dark.
    and another thing:
    I saw a rancher with a downed but alive cow in the back of his trailer. He was in a hurry. You know where I think he was going? To the slaughter house. If he can get the dying animal to the slaughter house alive, he can sell the meat, if not, he's dog food.
    In business, everything pertains to money. Everything. Business may tie bow ties around it and print fancy brochures up about it to convince people otherwise, but it's all subterfuge on their part. It's all about the money.
    You may run, for along time...
