Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday In Fort Worth With Gusts & Trucks Blocking Trails

The Fort Worth Water Crew was back on the Tandy Hills today, with 2 big trucks and a fun looking little vehicle that looked like a golf cart on steroids.

The trucks blocked the trail as I came down from Mount Tandy. After I made my way around the trucks I saw a supervisor looking guy supervising. I asked him what was going on.

He told me they were running a video camera through the pipeline, looking for breaks. The Water Supervisor guy seemed like a pleasant sort, pleasantly laughing when I opined that basically they were a Roto-Rooter operation on steroids.

I guess I am liking that "on steroids" cliche today.

I got an email from Don Young this afternoon, titled "A Short Tale of Shenanigans". I used to blog these type emails til I realized they were already blogged on the FW Can Do website. You can read it there. Trust me, it is worth your perusal.

I like that shenanigans word. Last week, when I first saw what I thought was something nefarious going on on the Tandy Hills, shenanigans was the word that came to mind, along with a few others.

I saw a new yellow wildflower today. It sort of looks like the one I have said is my favorite. This new one is smaller.

We seem to be working up to doing some storming here, currently with big gusts of wind. I don't know why I feel compelled to add "of wind" to identify what is gusting. Isn't wind the only thing that gusts?

Anyway, it's being very gusty. I hope I don't lose power. Again.


  1. We had a short outage a few minutes ago over on the West Side.

    Did you see any coverage of the naked man on top of a billboard on 7th street?

    I haven't found it yet.

  2. Nefarious again!!! What a great word. Maybe one day, I can be like you, Dango, and use an awesome word in everyday convo!

    I like the wind. I went running around the lake today in super wind and partial rain. It was amazing. I'm also weird though.

    My favorite flower is the lotus. Unless you count cherry blossoms ... but I think I only like those because they're very transient and bloom a lot at the same time!
