Monday, May 3, 2010

Incoming Storm Gets Naked Man Off Fort Worth Billboard

Minutes ago I returned from the downtown Fort Worth zone and checked my messages to see an email and a blog comment mentioning a Naked Man who had tied up an area of West Seventh Street while police and firemen tried to talk him into getting off a billboard and putting on some clothes.

The Naked Man caused a traffic mess for the Montgomery Plaza Shopping Center.

I did not detect anything interesting going on or see a crowd of Naked Man watchers when I was in the downtown Fort Worth zone.

The billboard the Naked Man was walking on was a We Buy Ugly Houses one on one side, with a Fort Worth Zoo one on the other side, with the message being, "Visit a Museum Where The Art Looks At You."

Police tried to talk the Naked Man down with various tactics, including saying he could talk to his mom and girlfriend. The Naked Man hollered that his family had been murdered.

No, they are right here, wanting to talk to you, the police hollered back.

The naked man started being naked on the billboard when the sky was still blue and the temperature in the 80s. What finally got him to the ground was the incoming gusty storm.

When the Naked Man, known only as James, hit the ground, police put handcuffs on him. And a pair of shorts.

I wonder what one gets charged with for being naked on a billboard in Fort Worth? Capital offense?

UPDATE: Barely seconds after hitting the publish button my Naked Man Source sent me much better pictures than the one I originally used.


  1. He's probably earned him an all expenses trip to the 6th floor of John Peter Smith Hospital and all the mind altering chemicals he would care to ingest.

  2. Twister, you are sounding like you are speaking from personal experience. What is this 6th floor of which you speak?

  3. Hmm, that naked man bears a resemblance to the many "Durango in the pool" photos. Might Durango be going to unusual lengths to come up with unique blog posts?

  4. Some experience, yes. Not my own, thank God. The 6th floor of JPS is the floor where the mentally unstable are housed. I knew a real buttoned down guy, once, years ago, who spent some time there. A little too buttoned down, as it turns out.

  5. Holy crap! He's really naked!!! It looks like he's wearing pants at first, but then no! HAHAHAHA. The things that people do.

    On a side note, is the 6th Floor anything like Room 101? Does one come out loving Big Brother and such?

  6. That's what we like about you Durango. You uncover things in order to lay bare the facts and the naked truths. If this poor guy had been exposed to your blog, maybe he wouldn't be spending the night/s in a padded cell on the 10th floor of the JPS Towers (unless they moved it)--the County Psych. ER or the kinder title "Mental Health Evaluation Unit". I know b/c I'be spent many a days (and some nights) there over the years. I'll let you strip my statements apart to decide why I was in the tightly secured floor so much. Don't be shy, let it all hang out and air everything for the public. Bottoms up to your blog.

  7. I agree with Steve A, what chew doin' up on that sign Durango??

  8. Oh all right, Steve A and Anonymous #2, I confess, I was the Naked Man. I have obviously grown desperate for blogging fodder.

  9. See, Anonymoose has better information about the lay out of the crazy ward than I do. I think, years ago, when I was still hardly more than a kid it was the 6th floor. A sad lonely and desperate place. Haven't had a reason to visit in decades. Let's keep it that way, shall we?

  10. This guy shot himself a week after this pic was taken.

  11. No he died on Oct 1, 2010 5 months later of set inflicted stab wounds... It was the beginning of the end!!

  12. NO he died in Oct 2010 of self inflicted stab wounds. Only 5 months after the bill board experience! Paranoid Schizoprenia,,,sad day for all of us...
