Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tarrant Regional Water Board Early Voting Ends Today

Once again there were letters to the editor of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram about the current Tarrant Regional Water Board member election candidates.

And once again a letter in support of Adrian Murray and John Basham sounded real while a letter in support of Marty Leonard sounded contrived, phony and shill-like.

My favorite line in the pro Adrian Murray/John Basham letter is, "Taxpayers, why stand ye here idle when your money is being thrown down the river?"

To me the silliest line in the pro Marty Leonard letter is, "Marty has given so freely of herself, thousands of North Texans have a better life."

Both letters in their entirety...

Tarrant water board

No City Council since Chuck Silcox and Clyde Picht, no Commissioners Court and no Chamber of Commerce has sounded the war tocsin against the near-billion-dollar Trinity Uptown boondoggle. They're all asleep in Fort Worth. Even now comes another surprise, a new version of an expensive bridge to nowhere.

Taxpayers, why stand ye here idle when your money is being thrown down the river? Elect Adrian Murray and John Basham to the Tarrant Regional Water District board. Just as St. George of old slew the dragon, Murray and Basham are pledged to slay this Trinity Uptown tax-eating monster, the mother of all eminent domain earmarks. Victory is in view! Oh the joy!

-- Don Woodard Sr., Fort Worth

For years, Marty Leonard has unselfishly served our community in so many ways, including leadership roles at Baylor All Saints Medical Center, the United Way, the Lena Pope Home and the Tarrant Regional Water District board. Because Marty has given so freely of herself, thousands of North Texans have a better life.

During her tenure, the water board has added 400 acres of parkland in Tarrant County. The board received the state of Texas' highest award for water conservation programs, and there has been no increase in the tax rate of 2 cents per $100 valuation of property.

Today, the water board is actively pursuing obtaining water rights in Oklahoma that would sustain our water supply and growth for decades. We are fortunate to have Marty Leonard as a guardian of our most precious resources. We need her experience and dedication to secure our future.

-- Scott and Lynda Dally, Aledo

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