Monday, May 3, 2010

Adrian Murray John Basham Campaign Signs Disappearing

You're looking at one of the few remaining Adrian Murray/John Basham Tarrant Regional Water District Board campaign signs left standing.

I won't disclose the exact location of this sign so that it might escape being kidnapping by nefarious miscreants.

I learned of the nefarious miscreanting yesterday via the following....

The large 4' x 8' campaign signs for Adrian Murray and John Basham are quickly becoming collector items. Eager collectors have been snatching them up in the week prior to the election and the once abundant signs are disappearing from vacant lots and roadsides all across the district.

The most prominent and well-known collector is life-long Fort Worth native, heiress and well-known spinster Marty Leonard, who has personally gathered up 50 of the sought-after signs. Ms. Leonard, who coincidentally is the incumbent in the seat both Murray and Basham are seeking, said her actions in taking the signs should not be interpreted in any way as an attempt to interfere with their campaign.

"Quite the contrary," she explained when reached by phone at her $2.4 million mansion in Westover Hills. "It's plainly obvious that these young men are superbly qualified, certainly more so than either me or Jim Lane. Their victory in Saturday's election is a fait accompli and I'm merely trying to save them all that time next week picking up their campaign signs. This way they can get right to work cleaning up the mess we have made at the water board."

Ms. Leonard went on to explain that the large signs will make a shrewd investment. "May 8, 2010 will go down in history as the day corruption in this city finely began to be cleaned up and these are the men who will do it. Only 100 of these signs were ever produced and I've got 50 of them. They'll be worth a pile of money one day."

Asked if she had any concerns that removing an opponent's campaign signs before election day is illegal and ethically immoral, Leonard stated, "Practically everything we do at the water board is illegal and ethically immoral. It's a hard habit to break."


  1. They most likely didn't ask for permission to place the signs on private property and they were picked up... I’d take down a sign if it were placed on my property without permission too. These accusations get tossed around during every campaign for any office. Show me a picture of someone from her campaign taking down a sign, and then you have a argument. Until then what you are saying is deformation of character…

  2. That's hilarious. The parts about the heiress' reasonings that is. She is either very frugal or very confident because we've only seen a handful of her campaign signs around town. The other guy in the race has more big signs but they're kinda funny: the top of the signs say "To Protect and Preserve" and his name in bold right right under those words. A Freudian slip? Stay truthful and funny, Durango--just be careful that the network of powers-that-be around here don't get aholdt of ya and try to re-educate you with waterboarding techniques and such. Just tasing!!

  3. Anonymous #1, "Deformation of character"?

    Anonymous #2, Thanks for your concern about my safety. I've amped up security.

  4. Actually, Anon.#1 may be on to something here: the many abuses you've described being accepted as routine practices in this increasingly fascist community could very likely be attributable to "deformation of character" (as opposed to the development of moral/personal and civic character). No defamation IF the deformation of character is factual.

  5. Signs that big would take an accomplice, a pickup- way harder than the quick thrill of grabbing a yard sign
    Many appeared to be on right-of-ways and vacant lots-only place they'd fit
    We're tired of hearing it every election--we want a perp walk
    Women don't think the term "spinster" anything but misogynic- ever
    Durango needs to un-hijack blog and undergo immediate detoxification

  6. Anonymous #1 again, All I'm saying is every election, there are always people saying their signs are being stolen and some probably are, however, until you actually have proof I.E. a picture or video of someone picking up your signs, then you have nothing. Deformation of Character comes in when you post a fictional story about someone stealing your campaign signs and you have absolutely no proof. Just because you don't agree with someone politically doesn't automatically make them a crook.
