Monday, April 19, 2010

Wild Lizards & Dandelions In Fort Worth At Oakland Lake Park

Due to our recent bout of rain, my doctor ordered daily walk options were quite limited today. Some places closed due to flooding. Others due to mud. That left walking around Fosdic Lake at Oakland Lake Park as my only reasonable option.

That worked out fine, I was in a hurry and Fosdic Lake is the closest park to my abode, just a couple miles to the west.

I thought the rain would likely have a lot of Fosdic Lake wildflowers popped out and coloring up the place.

As is way too often the case, I was wrong.

All I saw were some scrawny pink things, that I don't think are legit wildflowers. And some yellow wildflowers that I've been told, more than once, are a weed called a Dandelion.

When I stepped out of my vehicle, today at Oakland Lake Park, the first thing I saw was a lizard going after one of the Dandelion pseudo-wildflowers. I like my lizards to be vegetarians rather than carnivores. I feel safer in their presence.

So, without too great a fear of getting a lizard bite, I got down on the ground and took a picture of the Lizard and the Dandelion.

Someone, insisting on anonymity, put going down to the Texas Gulf Coast, to South Padre Island, on my mind. Now it's all I think about. Til something else comes along.


  1. Ee Gads man! You've stumbled on a miniature T Rex. Did you capture him?

  2. I am shocked you suggested such a thing, Twister, one does not capture endangered species, even in Texas. It is against the law to do so. I did pet it though. It did not growl at me.
