Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy To Have The Toxic Trio: Fubbo, Mister Sister & Mega Nag In Hawaii Without Me

Last night I mentioned that yesterday I got amusing incoming information, from Tacoma, regarding some Toxic People I no longer deal with, directly.

I am thinking the humor in this is likely something I am not going to be able to easily convey.

Let us start with the fact that there are Three Toxic Characters. Two in Tacoma, one in a Seattle suburb.

Let's call Toxic Tacoma Person #1, Fubbo. Toxic Tacoma Person #2, Mister Sister. And Toxic Seattle Suburb Person, let's call Mega Nag.

Summer of 2008, by the end of a month in Tacoma, I really had no alternative but to clearly indicate to Toxic Fubbo that we were done. I had had enough of her irrational tantrums.

Ironically, after the next to the last tantrum wound down, Fubbo was concerned that she'd damaged our relationship (she had, but I felt no reason to say so) and that she didn't want me to turn on her, like I had on Mega Nag, after I had had enough of Mega Nag's nagging, in April of 2006. It was further ironic that, earlier that month, Mister Sister had verbalized the same concern about being as bad as Mega Nag, after a Mister Sister toxic episode.

The last time I was ever to witness Fubbo in person I drove her to Safeway so she could load up on that day's supply of bacon, cookies and donuts. As we left Safeway and headed back to her house, Fubbo brought up a refrain that I'd been hearing for years, the we need to go to Hawaii refrain, that this would be the year we'd go to Hawaii together refrain. I knew this refrain would never reach refrain fruition.

Because, I had reason to say no, no trip to Hawaii with me will ever happen. Way back in the mid 1990s there had been a trip to Sunriver, Oregon. This was such a bizarre experience that I resolved to never be in such a situation with Fubbo again. This particular nightmare was documented long ago, back when I was still Dr. Durango, before losing my license. Reading my documenting of that painful experience, I am amazed I ever put myself in the Harm's Way of Fubbo again.

Apparently I do not easily learn a lesson.

So, moving ahead about 15 years, yesterday I got an email from my Tacoma Informant. I do not know who this is. The email address gives me no clue.

My Tacoma Informant told me that Toxic Tacoma Person #1, Fubbo, has been working on convincing Mister Sister and Mega Nag to go to Hawaii with Fubbo to all stay in a cabin together!

For reasons likely only accessible to me, this cracked me up. I would have to think awhile to come up with a more unappealing scenario than going to a tropical paradise, on vacation, with Fubbo, Mister Sister and Mega Nag.

I'm hoping Fubbo is able to convince Mister Sister and Mega Nag what a great time would be had by all and they all end up in Hawaii together. That'd be poetic.

Now, I've no clue how my Tacoma Informant comes by this particular information, but it rings true. As it is the sort of thing Toxic Fubbo would try and make happen, for reasons making sense only in Fubbo's mind.

I think the Toxic Trio should do the tropics together and then next year do Europe. Wouldn't that be fun? And very educational.


  1. It was sure hard to figure out who Fubbo is. Did you see on her blog her saying she used to be thin and follow fashion!? I must have missed when it was that happened. It must be nice to surround yourself with people who don't know your history so you have a skinny past where none existed!

  2. Anonymous, you are being very rude. I can remember when Fubbo was a lithe, skinny thing, like a Supermodel, long golden tresses, always made up like a movie star, a total fashionista. I do not know where that Fubbo went. I think maybe the modern era Fubbo may have ate her for lunch.

  3. Wanted you to know you managed to convey very amusing about Fubba and Mister Sister and Mega Nag and Hawaii.
